Where to Find Help with Your Homework?

By: Tomas Alferos – August 8, 2020

Homework is given to supplement learning, either a follow up of the lesson or as an advance study for the next lesson. Most learners find it tough to deal with homework, either the subject matter becomes trivial, or it’s too complicated for them to handle. 

The best approach then is to look at your homework as a motivation. It doesn’t complicate things for sure, but with the right intention and enthusiasm, you can do it. Along the way in helping you cope and get through; it would help if you ask guidance and assistance from parents or teachers and follow their given instructions and strategies on how to do your homework.

To help you further, read on the points and tips below on how you can ace your homework and never again worry about accomplishing them.

Why Do You Need Help with Your Homework?

Learners need support with homework for many other reasons besides not following the lessons. They may have been ill for a long time and have severe health problems or just missing a few classes. Others tend to be preoccupied that they don’t spend enough time doing their assigned homework. Sometimes character issues could cause problems too. While some students may already be tired when they get home, they don’t have the energy to work on their homework.

Furthermore, most kids may be dealing with problems outside of the school premises, such as problems that are happening with friends or with family. Kids whose parents may have been struggling with marriage issues such as a breakup or worst divorce seem to be unable to accomplish their assigned homework before its due time. But whatever the circumstances both parents and children are dealing with, there are many ways to get help.

Who Can Help?

If you do have schoolwork difficulties, start talking to your parents, school counsellors, teachers, or whoever you trust. Your parents are always the first great source when you need support. They may be able to show and help you in solving the difficult math equations or give you more information on a topic for English lessons to write on.

Your parents can help in picking the right room in your house to finish your homework and keeping the place organized. Parents can discipline your younger siblings when they are being unruly, while you are doing your homework. They can cut down other interruptions too.

Your teachers are a great source of help too. They can provide you with direction about the assignment in which you have difficulties. They will assist in establishing a better system to take note of your projects, and make sure that you update your journals and keep a nice outline of your lessons. Teachers will give you advice on learning and keep giving you suggestions on how to handle your homework. Their goal is to help you understand, be sure to ask for help.

Some schools, mostly private schools, provide after-school tutorials. Homework support is an essential part of the program. You’ll be likely to have some extra support there, and also from fellow learners.

You could also find a nearby helpline for homework, such as your aunts or cousins that are just in the neighborhood. The internet can also be helpful. Usually, there are websites operated by instructors, recent graduates, and other educational subject matter experts that are willing to help students with their homework. Examples of these sites are Khan Academy, Hippocampus, Study Geek and many more.

On top of that, you could use the internet to visit homework assistance pages online. These pages can lead you to excellent research references and sites, provide tips and advice on many academic topics. But be careful not to copy details from internet sites. It’s cheating, so speak to your teacher on how to make good use of those sources.

A Private Tutor is also another great alternative. Tutors are someone who gets paid by spending time helping you through your homework. This could be less costly; some parents think it could be more fun and less expensive, making up a small group with other children’s parents and sharing a tutoring session.

Chalkboard is your go-to place for one-on-one tutorials. The learning platform aims to match tutors with learners relating to the learner’s needs and the tutor’s expertise. You can check on their website and find a tutor that would be readily willing to help you out with your homework.

A Learning Tip: Do It Together

Are you the only one in your class who finds the homework complicated? If no, then you’re doing just fine. Wouldn’t it be a good idea to do your homework with your classmate or a friend? Maybe you should try to study together or in groups. Essentially, going over class lessons together or in groups is more of an advantage.

Also, knowledge about a certain topic is easy to recall when you’re teaching somebody who claims not knowing it. For instance, you’re helping your best friend with tables of multiplication. Helping them learn helps you too. Start making study groups, together you may set objectives, accomplish the homework collaboratively, and reward yourself for your achievements. When you’ve finished doing your homework, you can set your books aside and finally have time to play. Look forward to anything enjoyable that will help you get through the day

Still Having Trouble?

Are you still having problems with your homework even after using all of the methods mentioned? No matter what it is, remember that each learner is always learning at a different pace. You might have to prepare for two hours instead of an hour, or you might need to try ten times instead of five memorizing the multiplication tables to learn them fully.

You must take enough time if you need to understand the lessons. Ask your parents to help you make a schedule that will give you as much time as you need

Constantly talk regarding your problems — tell your family, especially your parents, friends, and counsellors. They’ll see to it that you have your assignments done and ensure you take the time of doing something fun when it’s over.

The Bottomline

Homework is an essential part of learning, more than the learning itself; it teaches students to be responsible and goal-getters. Experiencing difficulties with your homework is normal, and there are a lot of ways where you can ask for help.

Take the suggestions mentioned above and remember that when after you’ve overcome those hardships, something bigger, brighter, and more aligned, is unfolding for you. So, keep pushing, learn, grow, and succeed.

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